I’ve listened to white noise for years to help me fall asleep. Surprisingly, it did just that for years. I was able to fall asleep much easier and had better sleep.
Why white noise helps to sleep?
The fact that white noise can help some to sleep may sound counter intuitive. Some people are lucky, as they can sleep almost everywhere, but for most people it’s quite hard to fall asleep in a noisy environment. In such cases, white noise indeed can help people to fall asleep.
White noise masks the surrounding sounds, which prevent you from falling asleep. Instead of drowning out the unwanted sounds (like traffic noise, etc), white noise basically helps to blend all external sounds into an overall background noise, so your brain pays less attention to them.
Not all noise is white
However, white noise shouldn’t be confused with other noises. In fact there are many colors of noise, such as blue noise, pink and many others, which can be useful for different situations, like sleeping, working, studying on so on. It’s very useful to know about the different colors of noise.
What is better for sleep: noise or silence?
However, if you find white noise rather annoying, then there’s no need to force yourself to listen to it in order to fall asleep. In fact, you might be one of those people who sleep better when there’s silence. It helps to try both ways to understand what is better for you in your case. For me, I like to listen to the sound of my fan or air conditioner at night because it definitely does help me to sleep. I use a fan or air conditioner to generate the desired noise, and while it doesn't exactly filter out noise (like a pair of noise canceling headphones would, for instance), it does make them "uninteresting" to the brain.
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